Becoming a new creation through repentance and baptism || Watch Dicky's testimony


Dicky explains how he received a new heart after he finally understood the true meaning of repentance and asked God to wash away his sins in a time of baptism. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE

“I slowly began to see that those actions were sinful, that I was poisoning and hurting the people close to me. So, I decided It was time to give up everything, everything I desired or wanted to grab on to control with. I saw my subconscious as prideful, controlling, and judgemental.

All of this was the Holy Spirit’s work in me and I would not have come to this point had I not gone through the previous times of repentance and prayers.

I made a decision with my heart that my old self had to go. I wanted to be in Christ, to be a new creation, and to wash away the old. So, I decided to be baptised a second time. This was not to nullify the first baptism but at that time, I didn’t have the full understanding of why Jesus had died for us, the price He paid on the cross to wash away my sins in order to save me. So this time, I prepared my heart for the second baptism with me saying to God that, “Yes, I want to die to myself, to die to my desires, and all the spiritual roots that was weighing me down.”

I emptied my mind and asked God to renew my heart. I had an urge for a fresh start and even closer relationship with the Holy Spirit.

On the day, an acquaintance from church baptised me in God’s nature, in the sea next to a beach. It was a moment purely between God and me, not between earthly relationships, marriage, or even family. In fact, no one who had a close relationship with me was present on the day, not even my wife.”

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With over 150 testimonies, Teaching Humble Hearts aims to point disciples of Jesus towards an authentic relationship with God, and shed light on the obstacles that stand in our way. We seek to provide practical answers on how to develop the spiritual discernment, power, love, and self-control to thrive in a confusing and broken world. Visit our website ►