Answering Your Questions(Paul’s Name, Hunting & Fishing, Dancing, Call No Man Teacher, etc.)


In this episode of Answering Your Questions, we take a look at a new batch of ten common questions that can be answered briefly.

• When and why was the apostle Paul’s name changed from Saul to Paul?
• Is it a sin to eat caffeine or sugar? They are both addictive substances, so shouldn’t they be avoided?
• Are ducks clean to eat? What about turkeys?
• Is it a sin to dance?
• Is it a sin to use a hook to catch fish?
• Is it a sin to go hunting?
• Is it a sin to hunt on the sabbath?
• Can illegitimate children get married?
• Deuteronomy 23:3 prohibits Moabites from ever entering the congregation of YHWH. Ruth was a Moabite (Ruth 1:4), and Yeshua comes from Ruth (Matthew 1:5). So how can Yeshua be the Messiah?
• What did Yeshua mean when he said, “call no man teacher”?
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