Allen Parr Says the Most IGNORANT Things About SDAs & the Sabbath!


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In this video, I respond to Allen Parr and Bryan Dwyer, Senior Pastor of Alpine Church, who recently claimed that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a cult. Their discussion included the history of the Adventist Church, Ellen White, the Investigative Judgment, the Sabbath, and whether Adventists are the remnant church.

As someone who became an Adventist after studying the Bible for myself, I can tell you their conclusions are wrong—based on misunderstandings, false claims, and recycled arguments that have been debunked for years. Ironically, the same objections they raised led me to embrace Adventism when I searched the Bible and found out the truth!

Topics covered in this video:

✅ Is the Seventh-day Adventist Church really a cult?
✅ What is the biblical remnant church in Revelation 12:17?
✅ Why the Sabbath is still binding and how Sunday worship is unbiblical
✅ The mark of the beast and the push for a coming Sunday law
✅ How Christian nationalism is paving the way for religious enforcement

Video chapters:

0:00 - Introduction
2:15 - The Present Truth
4:11 - The Remnant Church
6:57 - Is the Sabbath Important?
9:40 - The Sabbath Is the Fourth Commandment
11:27 - The Coming Sunday Worship Law
19:55 - Does Anybody Have the Mark of the Beast Now?
20:49 - How the Sabbath Was Changed
25:46 - Sunday & the Mark of the Beast
26:12 - Is the Sabbath Optional?
27:47 - The Sabbath in the New Testament
39:12 - Did Jesus Break the Sabbath?
32:28 - Was the Sabbath Only for the Jews?
33:58 - Did the Apostles Keep the Sabbath?
35:03 - Jesus Did Not Come to Abolish the Sabbath
37:20 - The Principle of the Law
40:34 - Romans 14:5-6 Explained
43:04 - Colossians 2:16-17 Explained
46:07 - Galatians 4:9-10 Explained