A Prayer to Extend the Heart of Jesus 🌟



A Prayer to Extend the Heart of Jesus 🌟 In a world in need of kindness and understanding, extending the heart of Jesus is a powerful way to live out our faith. Join us in a prayer for compassion: "Lord, mold our hearts to reflect Your love and mercy. Empower us to see others as You see them, to extend grace and to act with compassion that echoes Your own. Guide our actions and words so that we might be a living testament to the love of Jesus, reaching out to comfort, heal, and uplift those around us." How do you practice extending Jesus’ heart in your daily life? Share your experiences of spreading His love and compassion in your community. #HeartOfJesus #LiveLikeJesus #DailyPrayer #CompassionInAction #FaithInPractice #ChristianLiving #SpiritualJourney #LoveThyNeighbor #ActOfKindness #CommunityCare