A Messy Conversation on Finding Your Identity | Sadie, Christian & Korie
Where are you finding your identity? And what do you actually value? Sadie is joined by her mom, Korie, and her husband, Christian, to talk about finding our identity. Christian shares his perspective on something we idolize versus something in which we find our identity — are they the same or different? Korie and Sadie explore the notion of identity and wonder if this is more a Western culture question; plus the bigger questions about our online identities versus what's true in our real lives. Then a biblical look at the danger of finding our identity in anything that is temporary, rather than knowing and trusting God and His Word as the ultimate identity for any believer.
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00:00 - Christian is on his first Messy Conversation
03:45 - Is it your identity or something you're idolizing?
09:00 - Identity as a buzzword
14:12 - Is this a Western culture idea/struggle?
15:50 - Your identity online
19:26 - When Uncle Si kept asking Sadie who she was
21:45 - Reading from Matthew 16
26:40 - Korie's recent identity struggles
31:01 - The best version of yourself
33:50 - Jesus was humble about who He is/was
43:00 - Saul's change to Paul — a huge identity change
44:02 - Why do we love to divide ourselves?
45:54 - We need to allow people to change
52:28 - Change is good! We can't keep doing what we've always done!
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Sadie Robertson, first introduced to the world as a star of A&E’s Duck Dynasty and ABC’s Dancing with the Stars, recognized she could be a positive voice to those in need of an inspiring presence in their lives. Since her early 20s, she's been one of the most prominent voices of her generation. Sadie’s passion is to speak, to write, and to encourage. She is a sister and friend to more than five million followers on her various social platforms, which she sees as a direct line of communication to her peers.
Sadie’s creative and entrepreneurial spirit has helped her become a 'New York Times Best Selling Author' and launch her Live Original brand, which speaks to millions across her various platforms, including YouTube, social media, the Live Original blog, LO Sister Community, the Live Original tour, and her WHOA That’s Good Podcast.
Additionally, Robertson has long poured her heart into philanthropic efforts. She has loved partnering with Roma Boots, Help One Now, World Vision, and the World Food Program over the last few years. To date, Robertson has been able to be a voice and agent of change in many countries, including Peru, Somalia, Moldova, and the Dominican Republic.
Sadie is married to the man of her dreams, Christian Huff, and they have two daughters. They look forward to continuing to learn what it means to truly live and celebrate in every moment of life.