A Prayer to Achieve Your Goals , Say this Prayer for God"s Grace and on Your Ambitions.


Spiritual Journey

#Spiritualjourney<br />
#prayertofocusongoals<br />
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A Prayer to Stay Focused on Your Goals<br />
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A Goal is a very clear and precise vision of what you want to achieve.<br />
There are tons of things lying in wait to distract you from your ultimate goal.<br />
In order to stay focused, Prayer is the most powerful place to start! <br />
Take time to silence the demands of the world, and ask God to reveal His plans for you.<br />
Seek His direction for your life, and ask Him to reveal the desires He's placed in your heart.<br />
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Let us pray.<br />
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Dear Lord, thank you for this beautiful day that You have made.<br />
Thank you for your great love and blessing over our lives. <br />
Thank you that your favour has no end, but it lasts for our entire lifetime.<br />
Thank You Heavenly Father for waking me up this morning. <br />
Thank you for the inspiration you give me to dream and to set goals for myself.<br />
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Loving Father, I know that all things come from You, and You hold all things together, not only in the vastness of the universe, but in my own simple life too.<br />
Heavenly Father, I come to You today, because I want to seek Your will for my life. <br />
I come to lay the desires of my heart before You and to ask that in Your grace, You will guide the plans I have for my life, in a way that is best pleasing to You.<br />
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Lead me, Lord in the way of Your choosing, as I lay before You the Hopes and dreams of my heart.<br />
Help me, I pray to plan my future career and goals, carefully and wisely. <br />
Gracious and Loving God, You have promised that if we will commit our work to You, You will make it succeed, you will make it prosper.<br />
I surrender all my goals, my dreams, my plans to You.<br />
Watch over my plans, and all that I say and do in my dealings with others. <br />
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Govern my actions, guard my tongue, bless my efforts and guide my decisions. <br />
Help me to gladly fulfill all the duties and responsibilities of life in a gracious and discerning way. <br />
May my goals reflect your will for my life and may they glorify you.<br />
Today, I dedicate every aspect of my work, my goals to You. <br />
I need Your wisdom daily to make the right choices, ones that require fairness, integrity, and a servant spirit.<br />
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Heavenly Father, while working towards achieving my dreams, there are distractions which are inevitable.<br />
These distractions come and are used by the enemy to knock me off course and lose focus of my goal.<br />
I pray that as I grow in my awareness of these distractions in my life, that I will more quickly hand them over to you and seek your help. <br />
Show me the best way to handle these distractions. <br />
Help me not to lose my focus on my dreams.<br />
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God help me to achieve all my goals and let them be in line with your plans.<br />
Bless me with the ability to discern the dreams that come from You, and the courage to embrace them.<br />
Guide me along the best path, so that my work, my dreams, my goals, are fruitful and glorifying to you.<br />
Please fill my spirit with perseverance and determination, so that no matter what happens, my focus stays on the right path.<br />
Help me to work hard with patience and persistence, and to keep my faith and trust in you intact.<br />
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While pursuing my goals, give me strength to overcome even the most enticing temptations. <br />
Fill me with the power of Your Holy Spirit, so that I do not feel let down when people try to discourage me.<br />
Help me not to be dragged away by evil desires. <br />
I also pray for others who have goals and dreams that they desire to see happen.<br />
May you also equip them, help and guide them to reach those precious desires.<br />
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God, the giver of all good gifts, fill us with Your wisdom and the understanding of Your will.<br />
Fill us with your awesome purpose.<br />
I make this prayer through Christ our Lord.<br />
Amen.<br />
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Music Taken from Youtube Audio Library<br />
Dreamland - Aakash Gandhi<br />
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Prayer by Nigel Dsouza

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