Prayer to Release Your Burdens | Say this prayer to release all your burdens and fears unto the Lord



Through prayer we have the opportunity to release to God, the things we have been holding onto, and things which keep us from being who He made us to be. Release all your burdens, any negativity, anxiety, any stress or concerns to The Almighty Father with this prayer and feel your load lightened.

Prayer of Release of burdens

Almighty Father, life can be overwhelming at times.
These are the times when my heart draws myself to you. Because You are great and mighty.
Your greatness and power can be seen in the heaven and the earth which are your creations.
Your Grandeur and Glory can be seen in how you hold everything together.

Just as You hold the heaven, the earth and all your creations together, I believe and I trust that You will hold my life together with Your unconditional love, and Your tender and loving care.

Heavenly Father, Your word says that, Blessed is the one who trusts in You, whose confidence is in You.
Although at times, I may be afraid, but I put my trust in You, Lord.
I may be low and weary, but I believe in You and I know that You will lift me up.
You have the power to make everything new.

Eternal Father, I cast all my anxieties to You, because I know that you care for me.
I surrender my all to You, all my burdens, my worries, my fears, my stress.
I lift up to You, all my loved ones, my job and my finances, and release them into Your loving hands, Father.
I release everything that has tried to hold me back.
I release the past, I release bitterness, anger, frustration, failures and missed opportunities.

Lord I let it go, and give it all to You.
All the hurt, all the pain, and all the suffering, I release it.
Almighty God, I release to You all that has been weighing me down, all these burdens which You never intended for me to carry.
You have said not to be anxious about anything, but rather to bring everything to You in prayer with thankfulness.
Father, calm my restless spirit, quiet my anxious heart, still my troubling thoughts, with the assurance that You are in control.

I let go of my grip unto the things I have been hanging onto.
I release to Your will, all that I am trying to manipulate.
I release to Your authority all that I am trying to control.
I release to Your timing, all that I have been striving to make happen.
Help me to remain calm in the storms of life.

Help me to see past the raging seas and see that You are in control of everything.
Guard all that I have entrusted to your keeping.
Protect my heart and mind with Your peace, the peace that passes all understanding.
I thank You for being my mentor and my guide, and for being the sharer of my burdens.
With You the burdens are light, because of Your unconditional love for me.

Heavenly Father, may Your will be done in my life, in your time and in your way.
I make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

00:00-00:14 - Spiritual Journey Channel Intro
00:14-00:25 - Prayer Title
00:25-03:52 - Prayer to Release Your Burdens
03:52-04:00 - Channel Outro - End Screen

Music taken from Youtube Audio Library
Drops of Earth - Akash Gandhi

Prayer by Nigel Dsouza

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