Prayer for the Epiphany | An Epiphany Prayer | Feast of Epiphany 6th January | Feast of Three Kings




A group of three Wise men (Three kings) travelled from the East to find and worship Baby Jesus, at the time of his birth.
The three kings were also known as 'The Magi' and they were guided by the 'Star of Bethlehem' and were accompanied by Shepherds and Angels.
They brought gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh with them.
Their Joy when they meet Baby Jesus is celebrated on 6th January each year.
It is known as "The Feast of Epiphany" and is also referred to as the "Three King's Day."

Let us Pray:
Almighty Father, You guided the Three Wise Men, with the help of the Star of Bethlehem, to meet Baby Jesus, the Light of the world.
The Star that led the Magi to the stable, announced to the world that it's Saviour was born, to dispel the darkness that covers its people.

We were shown God's glory in the form of Jesus who came down in the form of a baby to save us from our sins.
Just like the Three Kings, came to thy feet Lord Jesus, with gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, we are drawn to Your feet and we come to You in worship and prayer, with all that we have.
Accept our offerings, which you yourself have given us:
the Gold of our Faith,
the Incense of our Prayers and
the Myrrh of our Contrite Hearts.

We come to you and bare our hearts, and humbly ask for your mercy.
We come to You to seek assurance and forgiveness.
We come dependent upon your love.
Heal our hearts, our mind, our body, our spirit.
Draw us close and enfold us in Your arms.
Fill us with your Spirit that we might reflect Your light, within this dark world, speak your word with boldness and draw others to your feet.
Be our guiding star Lord Jesus.

May we always follow your light of truth and love in all that we do.
Help us to keep trusting, hoping and believing in your word forever.
Remove all sadness from our hearts, because you have come to make all things new.
Keep us in that wisdom which you revealed to the Wise Men.
Grant us your Holy Spirit, that we may always seek you and your kingdom.

Enable us to follow your Holy Word, as The Wise Men from the East followed the leading of a star.
Give us grace at all times and in all places to confess your holy name.

Deliver us from the destructive ways of error and sin, and by your Holy Spirit lead us in the ways of peace and in the paths of righteousness.
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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