Phil Robertson
Latest Uploads
Jase’s Parenting Dangers & Phil Decodes Pink Floyd | Ep 456
Phil Robertson: Satan Is Behind All the Propaganda, Lies & Murder
Miss Kay Teases Phil That She May Still Be a Baptist Girl & Jase Questions His Old Job | Ep 455
Phil Gives Dolly Parton a Shout-Out & Jase Shares a Dating Strategy | Ep 453
Phil Robertson Wasn’t Cut Out for Teaching Christian Kids
Jase Describes Joy in Salvation & Phil Explains Why Submitting to God Isn’t ‘All Rules’ | Ep 448
Phil Robertson Watches the News for the First Time Since 2020 & Things Are MUCH WORSE
Videos (52)
Jase Tells a Funny Story About a Dean & Phil Learns About Virtual Reality from Jersey Joe | Ep 447
Jase Robertson Meets an 85-Year-Old Woman Whose Story Will Give You Chills
Phil Discusses Vladimir Putin & Jase Recalls Teaching in Ukraine | Ep 444
Why Jase and Missy Robertson Decided They Needed Family Counseling
Jase Wrestles with the Animal Kingdom & Phil Feels Strange Visiting Town | Ep 442
Christianity in Hollywood & the Most Embarrassing Church in the History of Churches | Jase Robertson
Phil and Jase Disagree About Earth & Phil Connects News of Jesus with the Gift of Tongues | Ep 440
Phil Explains Why the Sin of Envy Is Always Here & Jase Shares a Riddle | Ep 438
Jase & Willie Robertson’s Restaurant Tips: How to Order Food with Rednecks
Jase Meets an Inspirational Woman & Dumb Idols | Ep 436
Jase Robertson Would Lose his Head if It Wasn’t Attached
How Phil Robertson Found Himself Trapped in the Middle of the Ocean
Phil Rants About Humanity Gone Rogue & Jase Shares a Biblical Guideline for Judgment | Ep 432
Phil & Jase Robertson Tackle Their Varmint Invasion Head-On
Jase Teaches His Sister How to Shoot & How Phyllis Opened Her First Bank Account at Age 9 | Ep 431
Phil Notices a Lack of Love in America & Jase Reminds Us That What We Are Is Plain to God | Ep 430
Jase Robertson Leaves Restaurant Customers Slack-Jawed & Horrified
Jase Loses an Ice Chest on the Highway & Phil Warns Against Idolatry | Ep 428
Jase’s Number One Rule for Marriage & the ‘Something Went Wrong’ Story | Ep 421
Jase Warns Against a New God & Knowledge as a Weapon | Ep 423
Jase Prepares to Defend His Chickens & Phil Highlights the Leaders of Culture | Ep 425
Phil Robertson: God’s Love Is for Everyone
Jase’s Maturity Scale & Why Phil Knows God’s Wisdom Is So Much Greater Than We Know | Ep 413
Chonda Pierce Joins Phil and Miss Kay for Big Laughs & Lisa Shares an Emotional Story | Ep 412
When Facebook Tried to Cancel Phil & Jase Finds Out He Was Wrong | Ep 415
Phil Robertson’s ‘Indefinite Hiatus’
Alexa Has Been Creeping on Phil & Si Robertson
Phil Shares How Not to Get Canceled & Jase Confronts a Man About His Foul Mouth | Ep 409
Jase Finds a Body in the Road & Phil Takes His Protection into His Own Hands | Ep 405
A Message to Anyone Who Once Lived in Their Mother’s Womb | Phil Robertson
Jase Believed That Si Saw a Black Panther & Why the Love of Money Is the Root of All Evil | Ep 365
Why Phil Believes Marriage Is Being Called Hate Speech & How Jesus Became Sin | Ep 368
Why Many Take Time to Find Their Faith & the Steps You Take Before You Walk on Water | Ep 371
Phil Robertson Makes the Best Pecan Pie (RECIPE)
Phil’s Secret to Crushing Cancel Culture & the Answer to Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline | Ep 377
Why Atheists Believe in Miracles & Phil’s Fatherly Hunting Advice to Jase | Ep 383
Phil Rips Into Our Satanic Schools & Why Christians Can’t Engage in Identity Politics | Ep 381
Jase’s Guide to the Seven Woes & Phil’s Alarm Clock Nightmares | Ep 396
Jase Explains Why Jesus Is the Ultimate Transformer & the Amazing Experience Heaven Will Be | Ep 392
Jase Meets a Goat Fighter & Zach’s Unexpected Houseguests | Ep 399
Jase’s Scathing Email to the ‘Duck Dynasty’ Producers & Phil’s Take on Spiritual Sacrifices | Ep 398
Phil’s Encounter with a Suicidal Man & Jase’s Words of Hope and Life | Ep 397
Phil Gives Some Important Christmas Advice & Jase’s Problem with Christmas Lights | Ep 400
Si and Jase Have a Real Issue with Each Other & Jase Describes Jesus in Uncomfortable Ways | Ep 401
Phil Robertson, Al, Jase, and their special guests go beyond the four walls of the church to share God’s Word and study the Bible with you. So pour a glass of tea, and experience fun and inspiring stories of faith and family, straight from Louisiana.