HeartCry Missionary Society
Latest Uploads
The Sanctifying Power of the Gospel: Part 4 | Ep. 21 – Looking Unto Jesus | Paul Washer
Marriage and Family in Missions (#missionsmonday Re-Upload)
PERU: Urbano Gomez — Un Testimonio y un Pedido de Oración (English Captions Available)
TEASER: Narrow is the Way | Zambia | May 14th, 2021
Urgent: Please pray. 05.11.2021
The Sanctifying Power of the Gospel: Part 6 | Ep. 23 – Looking Unto Jesus | Paul Washer
A Missionary Letter (1991) – A HeartCry Classic Film by Paul Washer
Videos (19)
The Greatness of The Gospel Ep. 25 – Looking Unto Jesus | Paul Washer
Paul Washer | Sexual Immorality, Part 2 | Christ Church Radford
Power of the Gospel at an Orphanage | #MissionsMonday : Episode 45
Pray for Mercy | #MissionsMonday : Episode 44
Faithful to the Word | #MissionsMonday : Episode 43
A Devotion on the Topic of Kindness
Testimony of Bagid – Kazakhstan
Recent Trip to Latin America UFTF 09.27.2021
Testimony of Andrei – Russia
Contemplating Christmas: What Are We Celebrating?
Contemplating Christmas: The Incarnation of Christ
HeartCry is a missionary society founded by Paul Washer. The mission’s one great and overriding passion is that God’s Name be Great among the Nations (Malachi 1:11) and that the Lamb receive the full reward for His suffering (Revelation 7:9-10). We find our greatest purpose and constant motivation for indigenous world missions in God, His commitment to His own glory, and our God-given desire to see His Christ worshiped in every nation, tribe, people, and language (Psalms 2:6-12).