First Baptist Dallas
Latest Uploads
“Kingdom Come” with Rebecca St. James and Day One Worship
“Build My Life” with Rebecca St. James and Day One Worship
“Battle Is The Lord’s” with Rebecca St. James and Day One Worship | February 27, 2022
“Blessed Be Your Name” with Rebecca St. James and Day One Worship
“Thank You Jesus For The Blood” with Rebecca St. James and Day One Worship
“Blessed Assurance” with Rebecca St. James and Day One Worship
Located in the heart of downtown, First Baptist Dallas was built on the Bible and continues its mission to transform the world with God’s Word . . . one life at a time.
We currently offer two choir and orchestra led services, a contemporary worship service, and an online experience through our First Dallas iCampus. Join us downtown on Sundays at 9:15 and 11am CT or online at icampus.firstdallas.org.
First Baptist Church of Dallas does not endorse or oppose any candidate for political office. Instead, any information, videos, appearances, posts, etc. related to any political topic are provided for informational purposes only, and represent the personal views or opinions of the individual expressing them, but do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of First Baptist Church of Dallas.
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