C.S. Lewis Institute

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In the legacy of C.S. Lewis, the Institute endeavors to develop disciples who will articulate, defend and live their faith in Christ in personal and public life.

C.S. Lewis was an Oxford scholar, professor of English literature, and author of more than thirty books including The Chronicles of Narnia. He was also one of the most effective Christian apologists, evangelists, and teachers of the 20th century.

The C.S. Lewis Institute offers life-changing discipleship for those who are ready to be intentional about spiritual growth in Christ. The Fellows Program is the Institute’s flagship discipleship program and is offered in more than a dozen cities across the United States and around the world.

The Institute offers discipleship, apologetics, and evangelism resources and hosts conferences and livestream events featuring world-class speakers addressing topics such as: apologetics, Biblical authority, calling, justice, mentoring, mission, prayer, spiritual discernment, and more.