Latest Uploads
Our Wedding Video 4.30.22
Sunday vlog and some updates on life (like I got married)
Weekend Vlog | School, Babysitting, and going to Church!
5 Bible Verses on Hope
Q&A | The Best devotionals for Christians and Thinking about Starting a YouTube Channel?
Child of God | Verses to Remind You Who You Are and Whose You Are
Trying Starbucks Seasonal Drinks (one was HORRIBLE)
Videos (32)
How to stop Comparing Yourself to Others
5 Ways to Grow in Your Relationship with God
Christmas Outfit, Makeup, and Hair!
YouTube Rewind Tag Challenge
Atlanta Vlog | What I packed in my Carry On Bag & Airport Outfit
Weakness in Me | What does the Bible say about my weakness?
Birthday Weekend Vlog!!!
I was not feeling my best today!!! Struggling with Body Image & Tips that Help Me
My Favorite Praise and Worship Songs Playlist!!! 2019
Criticism for what you believe in
Favorite Christian Podcast
Going Thrift Shopping | Spring Clothing Thrift Haul
The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 4 | Bible Study With Me
Spring Cleaning, Organizing, and Decorating! | Clean My Room With Me
My Best Friend picked out my Outfits for a Week! | College Student & Nanny!
Resources to Help Learn the Bible
Weekend in My Life | Easter Church Outfit, Dog Sitting (the cutest dog), and more!
Easter Dress Shopping, Ulta run, and awkward F21 experience
Chatty Get Ready With Me, Living Out What You Believe
Packing for Church Camp!!! 2019
Weekend Vlog | Dallas, Young Adult Conference, A Movement
trying starbucks drinks i’ve NEVER had before! (with my niece and nephew)
Back to School “on a budget” Haul 2019 | Thrift finds, American Eagle, and More.
My Current Christian FAVORITE THINGS | devotional, journals, YouTubers
What is a lasting beauty? What is true beauty? I want to share with others what I have learned through the trials and experiences of being insecure. Once I realized the truth about beauty, my life was changed. True beauty is far, far more than the physical. The world seems to advertise a false reality that beauty is simply external. A lasting beauty is something that does not fade and does not change like the current trends. It’s more than putting on a pretty dress and a face of makeup. On this channel you’ll find fashion, Jesus, and a girl that just likes to talk about life. I’d love for you to join this alastingbeauty community 🙂