Latest Uploads
Did Prophet Muhammad exist?
Surah Al Fatiha | No Praise for Non- Muslims
Andrew Tate’s Home Raided Again Because of Jews
Daniel Haqiqatjou Confirms the Quran is Corrupted| Is Bismillah part of the Quran? 2 Missing Surahs
Islam is a Threat
Andrew Tate Goes to Church But Muslims are Upset About Something else
Examining Every Quranic Verse That Mentions the Gospel
Videos (167)
Even Muslim Jesus is Greater than Muhammad || Everyone is better than Muhammad
Unique Birthday Candles with the Birthday Cake
What colour God do Muslim want? White Matters
How did Islam Survived || Life under Sharia || Yasir Qadhi & Hatem al Haj
What was God Doing Before the Creation?
Allah’s Sperm Bank
Are ex-Muslims Safe in Britain?
Will you grace us with your presence? Will YOU be there?
Muhammad the Most Obvious Prophet || Who is Muhammad with in 3 mins ||
What do Young Educated British Muslims Think
Man Accused of Blasphemy & Burnt Alive in front of Police Station || Eid
Is there evidence of genocide being committed by Israel? What is Genocide?
Mohammad Hijab send a letter to Tommy Robinson
Does Jordan Peterson Believe Jesus Resurrected from the Dead?
Candace Owens: Christ is King
Happy Eid!
David Wood’s Fist Bump to Muslim || Muslims Agree with David and Disagree with Dawah Team
Why does Hamas Gain lots of Supporters?
David Wood’s Fist Bump || Muslims Agree with David Wood & Disagree with Dawah Team
David Wood at Speakers Corner
Islam is the Religion of Peace || Swordless Quran!
Holes in the Narrative with Swordless Quran || Interesting happenings on the 8th of June
The Quran Allows Brutal Treatment of Hamas Hostages|| Hamas is just Obeying to the Quran
Dawah is A Sinister Cancer || Ayaan Hirsi Ali
What does Hamas & Islam Offers to the World?
Why is Sweden Dangerous like Baghdad? || Yasir Qadhi
Zakir Naik : Build a Temple or Support Terrorists?
How to Preach the Gospel at Mosques to Muslims
What Does Lizzo and Hamas Have in Common? Lizzo Thanks to pro Palestine Supporters
Mary Did What Allah Could Not || Women vs Allah
Is Christian Revival Happening?
Only Allah Knows || Only Jesus Knows
Hamas makes money from the death of their own children || October 7 Genocide
In the Times of Trouble
Hatun Tash is Missing – Dr. Jay Smith
Hatun is Missing – Dr. Jay Smith
One Month Since Hamas Terrorists’ Attack on Israel || Mark Durie
Only Israel Cares About People of Palestine || Douglas Murray
We are Professional Victims || How Hamas Won People
Do Christians and Muslims worship the same god?
Why Hamas Supporters Chant: Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the Army of Mohammed will Return
Muslim Scholar Confirms There are Different Versions of the Quran || Lies to Children
What is Hamas ? What are Their Goal?
Israel -Hamas (Palestine) War
If Jesus Is God, How Could He Die?
Was there a Mecca? The Birth City of Islam from the Eyes of History
Converts to Islam Enjoy Freedom of Religion while Believing Converts FROM Islam Should be Killed
Allah the Solid god with no Holes & Sound
Daniel Haqiqatjou | I Approve Taliban
David Wood Makes Muslim Missionary a Kafir
Acts 17 Apologetics is a Christian YouTube channel founded by Dr. David Wood (a former atheist) and Dr. Nabeel Qureshi (a former Muslim). Nabeel went on to join Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and to write the bestsellers “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus” and “No God but One.” Then he went on to be with the Lord.
David continues producing videos, dealing primarily with Christian apologetics (defending the existence of God, the Trinity, and the death, resurrection, and deity of Jesus Christ), Islam (analyzing Muhammad, the Quran, sharia, and jihad), atheism, and philosophy.
David works regularly with fellow YouTubers Vocab Malone, Jon McCray (Whaddo You Meme??), the Apostate Prophet (an ex-Muslim), Anthony Rogers, and Sam Shamoun (Shamounian).
The Acts17Apologetics channel features Christian testimonies and responses to popular atheists and Muslim apologists (e.g. Zakir Naik, Shabir Ally, Yusuf Estes, Mohammed Hijab, and Ali Dawah).