Abide – Sleep Meditations

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Abide guided Bible sleep meditations help you relax and fall asleep fast while abiding in Christ so you can get the healing deep sleep you need to wake up feeling refreshed.

Abide is the #1 Christian meditation app to stress less and sleep better. Renew your soul through Christian meditation and rediscover your joy. Experience less anxiety, stress & worry. Most of all, experience God’s overwhelming love for you. Based on scriptures, Abide will guide you to a deeper relationship with God as you rest in His Word.

The Abide app offers:
✚ Christian Meditations in lengths of your choosing
✚ Guided Bible Meditations with your preferred background audio
✚ Extensive library of edifying meditations including:
▶ Daily Bible Meditations
▶ Audio Bible Readings
▶ Bible Sleep Meditations
▶ Bible Music Meditations
▶ Meditations for specific topics such as anxiety, depression, marriage and more
✚ Journal to track your progress
✚ Community and more!