Engaging with Thomas Aquinas: An Interview with Leonardo de Chirico about His Book by Adam Szabados



The influence of Thomas Aquinas on Western theology is beyond dispute—yet his is a contested legacy. In current evangelical studies, there is an emerging infatuation with Thomas. Questions that need to be asked include: Is the thought of Thomas and Thomism(s) the same? What strengths and dangers does the legacy of Thomas Aquinas present to evangelical thought? Join Adam Szabados as he unpacks these questions and more in this interview with Leonardo de Chirico about his new book Engaging with Thomas Aquinas.<br />
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Leonardo De Chirico is the pastor of Breccia di Roma, a church that he helped plant in Rome in 2009, and Chair of the Theological Commission of the Italian Evangelical Alliance. Previously, Leonardo planted and pastored an evangelical church in Ferrara, Italy from 1997 to 2009. He earned degrees in history (University of Bologna), theology (ETCW, Bridgend, Wales) and bioethics (University of Padova). His PhD is from King's College (London); it was published as Evangelical Theological Perspectives on Post-Vatican II Roman Catholicism. His recent books are A Christian Pocket Guide to Papacy (Christian Focus, 2015); A Christian Pocket Guide to Mary (Christian Focus, 2017), Same Words, Different Worlds. Do Roman Catholics and evangelicals believe the same gospel? (IVP, 2021) and Engaging with Thomas Aquinas. An evangelical approach (IVP, 2024). He is a lecturer of historical theology at Istituto di Formazione Evangelica e Documentazione in Padova, Italy. Additionally, Leonardo is the director of the Reformanda Initiative, which aims to equip evangelical leaders to understand better and engage with Roman Catholicism, and the leader of the Rome Scholars and Leaders Network (RSLN).<br />
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Ádám Szabados is a Hungarian theologian and the leader of the Hungarian Evangelical Forum. Until 2017 he had been a pastor for 20 years. He is married to Dóra and has two adult sons. He studied English literature and linguistics at the University of Veszprém (MA equivalent, with honours), and theology at Schloss Mittersill Study Center (Diploma in Biblical Studies and Culture) and at Covenant Theological Seminary (ThM in Exegetical Theology). He received his PhD (summa cum laude) in the area of New Testament at Károli Reformed University. His study on the Reformational understanding of sin has been published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He wrote three other books: Erosz nyomában (Traces of Eros) (Harmat Publishing House, 2008), Az apostolok hagyománya (The Tradition of the Apostles) (KRE-L'Harmattan 2020; 2nd edition 2021), and Teológus a sakktáblán (Theologian on the Chessboard) (Luther-Harmat - 2021). Ádám teaches at Fiúság Akadémia and also has a popular theological-apologetic website (divinity.szabadosadam.hu).<br />
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