6 Qualities Godly Men Are Attracted to in Women


ApplyGodsWord.com/Mark Ballenger


Full Video: youtu.be/_CPjwaXQgcQ

6 qualities godly men are attracted to in a woman.

1. Secure with Herself Because She Knows Her Identity Is in Christ

2. A Woman Who Respects and Appreciates What a Godly Man Offers Instead of Hating Them and Trying to Change Them Like Culture Does

3. A Godly Man Is Attracted to Outward Beauty Expressed Through Modesty Rooted in Inner Character

4. A Godly Man Is Attracted to an Emotionally Predictable Woman

It’s okay if she’s emotional. It’s okay if she’s sensitive. It’s okay if she has certain buttons that should not be pushed. What’s not okay for a man is when a woman is totally unpredictable. He can learn and adapt, but if she keeps changing the rules on him, he’s out.

5. A Warm, Inviting Presence that Expresses a Desire to Be Pursued Rather Than Fear and Pushing Him Away

6. A Woman Who Fears the Lord

Proverbs 31:30-31, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”