Why the tree of life and the tree of knowledge? Christian Questions, Moments that Matter


Christian Questions

The tree of life and the tree of knowledge played very different but connected roles in the Garden of Eden. Being created in God’s image, gave Adam and Eve the ability to live eternally on earth through the nourishment of the tree of life, which had been placed in the middle of the garden.<br />
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The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was also placed in the middle of the garden with strict instructions to NOT partake of its fruit. This was unique. Everything else in that garden perfectly contributed to God’s perfectly designed eco system. This tree of knowledge also contributed to that eco system, but on a very different level. <br />
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God placed these trees near each other as a teaching tool. Eternal life required learning wisdom and maturity. So, did Adam’s epic failure make this tree a failed experiment? <br />
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For the answers to these questions and supporting scriptures listen to the full podcast:<br />
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christianquestions.com/doctrine/1362-tree-of-life/<br />
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