Why God Asks Us To Give
SeedTime Money
Why God Asks Us To Give...<br />
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What I'm about to share would be the most important lesson that God has taught me which is why does he call us to give in the first place? I would offer three main reasons. <br />
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One is because he himself is ultimately generous, and we may better understand his character by reflecting that generosity back. <br />
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Second is because we grow in sanctification as we emulate the character of Jesus. <br />
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Third is, God's design for the world is that we actually get to participate alongside him in bringing forth his kingdom here on earth. <br />
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That's the answer to why God calls us to give. And when I'm able to give through that mindset, I experience Him more deeply. If I'm giving with any other mindset, I don't worship Him in joy, and I miss the mark. <br />
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This is from our great conversation with Greg Baumer (co-author of True Riches: What Jesus Really Said About Money and Your Heart).<br />
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#givebig #kingdombuilders #thebibleapp #gregbaumer #seedtimemoney