The Good Shepherd | Your Nightly Prayer
Repentance isn’t easy, but it’s part of walking toward eternity with Jesus. Tonight’s verse reminds us of the beauty in turning from sin and stepping closer to God, knowing the Kingdom of Heaven is near. - Meg Bucher
00:00-00:11 - Bible Memory Verse
00:12-02:03 - Devotional
02:04-02:43 - Your Nightly Prayer
02:44-04:21 - Meditation
The apostle John captured Jesus’ proclamation: “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep.” (John 10:11). You anticipated every need, Father, including what was necessary for our salvation. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, met the need we never could. Thank You, God, for giving us all we need.
In Jesus’ Name,
#NightlyPrayer #Repentance #GoodShepherd #John1011 #WalkingWithJesus #EveningDevotion #SpiritualJourney #ChristianReflection #KingdomOfHeaven #dailydevotion
Video by Skylar Cochran Thumbnail & Stock footage courtesy of