I Like My Close Friend BUT He's Dating Someone Else . . . (The AGW Show, Ep. 7)


Chris from Boston wants to know how to handle her feelings for her good guy friend. They've know each other for years as close friends but he's never pursued her. Now he's dating another woman but still calling her. What should she do?

If you would like to be on the show, here’s the details:

-You can leave me a voicemail by calling 216-505-0697. Please leave a brief explanation (2 minutes or less) of the question or situation you would like to ask me about. Please also tell me your first name, age, and where (state/city/time zone) you are calling from. Leave a phone number I can reach you at.

-Or you can email me at markballenger@applygodsword.com. Write a brief explanation (400 words or less) of the question or situation you would like to ask me about. Please also tell me your first name, age, and where (state/city/time zone) you are calling from. Leave a phone number I can reach you at.

-Please note that this content will be on the internet. AGW Ministries will be the copyright holder of this recorded content. I’m happy to use an alias name and location for you if you would like to conceal your true identity.

-This show is currently focusing on relationship topics for non-married Christians. Singleness, healing, dating, asking about your relationship situation with a particular person – that kind of thing! I'm looking for personal questions, not just theoretical. My goal is to help the individual caller while also making useful content for the viewers.

-Currently I can only talk with USA based callers.

-If I feel I can help you and that your question/situation would be helpful for others to hear about, I will email or text you to setup a time to record our call.

Thanks and God bless!