[PODCAST] How to Make Disciples by Exploring Doubts with CORE Apologetics @coreapologetics3526
How can exploring doubts strengthen your faith as a Christian? Dr. Ben Shaw and Dr. Ron Davis from CORE Apologetics join CrossExamined Board Member, Dan Hodges, to share how their new ministry is training up a new wave of apologists, how they're making disciples, engaging Gen Z, and helping believers and skeptics tackle their doubts. During the conversation, they’ll answer questions like:
-- What are the three types of doubt and why is it important to identify the type of doubt that a person may be dealing with?
-- What has the latest Barna research uncovered about Gen Z's interest in religion?
-- Why are young people beginning to lose faith in social media?
-- Why is it important to have an intellectual and emotional confidence in the Gospel? And what is the value in learning New Testament reliability?
Curious to learn more about CORE’s mission and how you can support their work? Visit their website to explore free resources, consider donating, and check out Ben's new book, 'Trustworthy', designed to help introduce believers to the evidence surrounding the Resurrection in a unique way.
Core Apologetics ministry: www.coreapologetics.com/
Trustworthy: Thirteen Arguments for the Reliability of the New Testament: a.co/d/0IRe2Rf
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