Sex and Gender: Western Attitudes Towards Sex and Gender - Paul Coulter




The last sixty years have seen a revolutionary change in attitudes to and laws around sex, sexuality, and gender identity in Western contexts. Now, the rainbow flag is arguably the most recognisable symbol of the West in the eyes of other regions. It is clear that there is much confusion, and many people are hurting. Christians often don’t know how to speak with compassion for those who struggle or lack clarity on these issues. This Master Class aims to help Christians understand and respond to our cultural confusion about sex and gender identity.

What ideas about gender identity are influencing children and young people in the West today? What are the underlying beliefs and values behind these ideas?

This is part 2 of a 5-part series on Sex and Gender: Understanding and Responding to Contemporary Confusion.

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Paul Coulter lives in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, with his Chinese Malaysian wife, Gar-Ling, and their two teenage children. A medic and cross-cultural pastor by background, he is now Head of Ministry Operations with Living Leadership (, an organisation helping leaders and their families across the UK and Ireland live joyfully in Christ and serve Him faithfully. He is also Executive Director of the Centre for Christianity in Society (, which seeks to connect Christ with issues and needs in contemporary culture. Paul is the author of three books - "Clarion Call: Finding Joy in Christ with John the Baptist," "Serving Two Masters? Probing the Tensions Between Science and Faith in the Art of Healthcare," and "Keeping Care Pastoral: the Heart of Gospel-Shaped Pastoral Care" - several book chapters and multiple articles, including several on ( He speaks and writes regularly on leadership, pastoral care, ethics and apologetics. In his spare time, he loves to walk in hills and forests, cycle on flat roads and read about history.