Jady A.
Latest Uploads
Why Screens are Hurting Children? How to live differently?
Lost Skills Children are Growing up Without
Foster Care Questions & Answers + Updates!!
Foster Care Update:What has happened?
We got a call at midnight: foster care update
Christmas Activities and Games for Kids
Advent/ Christmas Traditions Family of 7
Videos (105)
Reach Fluency Fast: Reading Strategies for Students
What your Child Needs to Learn for Kindergarten Writing?
Abortion: Societal Decay and your Vote.
The Start of Our Foster Care Journey!
What Your Child Needs to Know for Kindergarten Math?
What Your Kindergartener Needs to Learn for Literacy
5 Habits for a Good Daily Rhythm: Homeschooling 5 Kids
Homeschooling High school
Group Subjects Kindergarten- 2nd grade- Homeschool
Foster Care: A Mission Field for Families
Effective Toddler Discipline: Boundaries & Consequences
Adult Tantrums: Why and how to Stop them?
Homeschool Curriculum Grade 1-2 Core Subjects
Kindergarten Curriculum Choices: Core Subjects
Primitive Family Camping Set up with Kids!
How to Create a Summer Schedule for Children?
How to talk to your kids about sex and puberty?
20 Things We Don’t Buy as a Large Family to Save Money?
How a Basic Phone Changed My Life?
Why mono-tasking is the key to a better life?
Maximize Your 1-3 Year Old’s Potential with Quick Preschool Prep Sessions
Learn to Read with Audio Assisted Reading
Escaping Suburbia: Our Country Living Decision
Modest Clothes for Young Girls Challenge!
How to Stop Sibling Fighting and Promote Respect?
How We are Raising our Daughters Differently?
How to Help a Struggling Writer?
Day in the Life Homeschooling, Homemaking, Bread making and more!(Christmas Edition)
Preschool at Home: Day 15-20 min a Day (Core Subjects)
Traditional Wife Movement: A Call to All Women #tradwife
Discover Hidden Gems: Homeschool Book Sale!
Revealing Society’s Deceit: The Real Role of a Mother
Homeschooling 5 kids in the Fall daily Routine
5am Morning Routine Homeschool mom of 5
How to Stop Whining and Unfriendly Voices in Children? 2 Techniques
Morning Memory Work Menus in 15 Min a Day
Preschool/Kindergarten Learning Area and Desks
How we hike with 5 children and its benefits?
Toddler Learning Folder-2 Preschool/K Prep
1st grade Homeschool curriculum Choices and Resources
Preschool Curriculum Choices and Tools For Homeschooling
Productive Summer Schedule for Children- Summer Camp At Home!
How to Teach Your Child to be a fluent Spanish Speaker
Day in the Life Homeschooling 5 kids in Spring
Meet 3 Homeschool Teen Entrepreneurs Growing Their Own Businesses and Farm!
Learning Letter Sounds though interactive Drumming
Homeschooling 5 kids-Morning Memory Work (Snippet)
How I taught my 2 year old to read without realizing?
“Let It Go Technique” Get rid of anger quickly!
How To Teach Children Sight Words for Reading Fluency
Welcome! I am a christian homeschool mom to 5 beautiful children, curriculum writer and educational content creator. I make videos about educational activities, homeschooling, homemaking, parenting and more!
My goal is to empower parents and teachers to excel in providing a well rounded education to in turn contribute to the betterment of the world.
My E-store
I do not do sponsorships or product reviews but if you have a pressing idea or question that I have not answered in my videos please contact me to jady.alvarez@gmail.com note because of heavy e-mails I may not be able to respond.
“Stay close to his plan, he has one for you, but if you do not follow it-someone else will create one for you”
“Never sacrifice relationships over results”
“Do you want to raise Kind children? Be Kind to them.
“He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature.”