Jady A.

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Welcome! I am a christian homeschool mom to 5 beautiful children, curriculum writer and educational content creator. I make videos about educational activities, homeschooling, homemaking, parenting and more!
My goal is to empower parents and teachers to excel in providing a well rounded education to in turn contribute to the betterment of the world.



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I do not do sponsorships or product reviews but if you have a pressing idea or question that I have not answered in my videos please contact me to jady.alvarez@gmail.com note because of heavy e-mails I may not be able to respond.

“Stay close to his plan, he has one for you, but if you do not follow it-someone else will create one for you”

“Never sacrifice relationships over results”

“Do you want to raise Kind children? Be Kind to them.

“He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature.”