And Peter | J. Wilbur Chapman | Christian Audiobook
~ Audiobook Description ~
Most people want to live forever. They desire long, healthy, fulfilling lives. But God has a bigger, better plan, though it comes at a cost. There is a training process that we need to go through. More than that, a complete change of heart is needed – we must be born again. And to follow Christ, our will must be submitted to His will, and our lives must be filled with His Spirit. There is only one way to eternal life.
The Apostle Peter signed up for a life like that. He left his career, his family, and whatever meager enjoyments he might have had to follow a humble, nondescript Teacher named Jesus. During those three years of training, Peter was taught by the Master. Some of those lessons were not easy at all; yet Peter was given grace in the eyes of the Lord, and when he fell, the Lord forgave him, strengthened him, and kept him to the end.
What about you? Do you need courage, strengthening, and training? In this book, J. Wilbur Chapman admonishes, teaches, and encourages. Chapman's love for the Lord and for His people shines clearly in his messages. He expounds on Scripture, relates real-life stories, and tells us about the only way to be saved – and how we may experience the fullness of life in Christ.
~ Contents ~
00:00 Opening Credits
Ch. 1: The Prodigal’s Father
Ch. 2: All Have Sinned
Ch. 3: The Apostle Peter
Ch. 4: Stoning Jesus
Ch. 5: The Upper and the Lower Springs
Ch. 6: Live in the Sunshine
Ch. 7: The Secret of His Presence
Ch. 8: Twelve Pearls
A Brief Biography
Updated and annotated. NASB Bible text - used by permission.
Narrated by Lyle Blaker.
Copyright © 2023 by Aneko Press, 203 E Birch St., Abbotsford, WI 54405
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