First Father & Son Experiment Didn’t Go Well #shorts #parenting #humor #vlog


Damien and Kenady


I saw this going a whole different direction in my head 😅 but hopefully it was still entertaining to y’all 🤣

All in all, this was a fun little experiment for me and my son. Although he will probably never remember it, we got to spend some quality time together and captured the memories to show him later.

We learned that there are several factors when it comes to freezing water:

🧪How much water you have
🧪Is the water in plastic or metal
🧪How cold was the original water being tested
🧪Should you add salt or sugar
🧪 How cold is the temperature outside?
🧪And obviously shade 😂🤣😂

Life lesson: Things don’t always turn out like you plan. However, there are always things you learn along the way. So try again.

Let us know if we should do another father-son experiment in the future!

#parenting #humor #vlog #waterfreeze #experiment #scienceprojects #fatherandson #damienandkenady

How FAST does Water Freeze 🥶 in 14 Degree Weather? | Our First Father - Son Experiment (FAIL)