How will I choose to live the life that's ahead of me? Christian Questions, Moments that Matter
As a professed Christian our whole lives are supposed to be about serving God, about doing his will. If the changes I seek are primarily focused on me and not Christlikeness, then what am I really pursuing?
There’s a big difference between trying to make myself look better compared to others and trying to live up to my calling in Christ. Obviously one way brings me into the center of everyone’s thinking and perception. Do I want to be more acceptable, more respected or more admired in relation to those around me? Or do I want others to more fully notice Christ in me? While this may seem like an odd way to look at making significant life changes, it certainly is a credible approach. Even if the life changes, we seek are focused on our physical wellbeing, our motivation should always gravitate toward letting Christ shine through us.
Ok, so we may need to do some rethinking when it comes to our motivation. As we work on this reexamination, we also need to consider our comfort zones. Wait a minute, does changing for the sake of Christ mean that all of my comfort zones are now obsolete?
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